This month we look at our participation in the world-wide family of friends – from our contacts through the Friends World Committee for Consultation to friendly exchanges across the Tasman. We find that we have many differences, but also an ability to unite across our differences. Perhaps what we have in common is our ability to delight in variety and to grow by learning from each other. In a world where we are often encouraged to fear the stranger, these are skills which we need to treasure and develop.

This seems a good time to remind you all of World Quaker Day on 4 October – more information to be found on the website here.  

In our December issue we are usually looking forward to Yearly Meeting, but this year we are in transition to mid-year Yearly Meetings! The AF committee offers no theme for the next issue, but merely asks “What canst thou say?” We hope that you have much to say, and that you will send us your articles. We also know that Friends are doing many challenging things, so let us know how you are putting your faith into action. Please send us your photos also, preferably with many megabytes (at the very least 250 KB) so that they can be blown up and will look good in the print copy!

Once again we remind Friends who get the Australian Friend by email that they may not receive the full version. If any article seems to be missing you will find it on line at

The Australian Friend Editorial Team.

A technical note

In the on-line Australian Friend you will sometimes find a photo is obscured by its caption. If you click on the photo you will find it enlarged to its full size, and without its caption.