

Editorial Reg Naulty, quoting from Thomas Kelly’s A Testimony of Devotion, asks how we can become “a blessed community”.  This theme of a blessed, and inclusive community is raised in a number of this month’s articles.  Roger Sawkins in his article of the history of...
50 years supporting the rainbow community

50 years supporting the rainbow community

50 years supporting the rainbow community Roger Sawkins, Queensland Regional Meeting In January 1975, nearly fifty years ago, Quakers were the first Australian religious body to publicly support the gay community. As with all Quaker Concerns, it took a couple of years...
Happy 400th George!

Happy 400th George!

Happy 400th George! Tony D’Sousa, Finchley Meeting, UK Happy 400th Anniversary George Fox! George Fox was a truly great man. I know this because his spiritual discoveries have transformed my life, but it is only now, after many years, that I have discovered how...
Know thy Friend: Esther Hill

Know thy Friend: Esther Hill

Know thy Friend: Esther Hill Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Esther with her daughter Eliza and dog Eric. Esther Hill is the new principal at Friends School since January, having moved from Perth. Esther was born in Kirkby Lonsdale, the heart of the Quaker 1652...