
Recently I attended the funeral of Jean Talbot, for many years the anonymous poetry editor of The Australian Friend.  Towards the end of the service we sang a hymn which I was familiar with, but had never heard at a funeral.  The first verse is:  Eternal Father,...
Hope for Asylum Seekers

Hope for Asylum Seekers

Hope for Asylum Seekers         Jill Parris, Victoria Regional Meeting About four years ago I had a nudge to do something about refugees with Quakers, so called a meeting to hold the issue in the light. Only David, my husband, came, and I was so...
Refugee Support:  Keeping Connected, Sustaining Hope

Refugee Support: Keeping Connected, Sustaining Hope

Refugee Support: Keeping Connected, Sustaining Hope Dorothy Scott, Victoria Regional Meeting Australian Friends are involved in refugee advocacy and support in many ways and through many organisations. One example is the small, Canberra-based, multi-faith...