by David Swain | 1 Dec, 2019
Judith Pembleton, Queensland Regional Meeting As we approach 2020, it is difficult to recall the widespread fear of a nuclear attack or accidents at nuclear power stations in the 1970s and 1980s. The fear was based on real threats. In 1979, the accident at Three Mile...
by David Swain | 1 Dec, 2019
Would you like to go on a Quaker study tour to North Korea? In 2018 Sejin Pak (SANTRM) led a group on a one-week trip to North Korea. Sejin is planning a return trip next year, if sufficient people are interested. Sejin has a concern about peace in the Korean...
by David Swain | 1 Dec, 2019
Elegy for Walter Walkey Coming to a dead end I get out of the car and look over the shore. It is low tide. Flat-bottomed boats lie becalmed on the mud, the inky-blue waves nipped to white by the west wind’s cold. A teenage kid drives in bumpy circles round a...
by David Swain | 1 Dec, 2019
Jo Jordan, South Australia and Northern Territory Regional Meeting It is a privilege to be nominated for the role of Presiding Clerk of Australia Yearly Meeting, a position of great trust and responsibility. Although I was uncertain of my ability to fulfil the role, I...
by David Swain | 1 Dec, 2019
Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Julian Robertson is well known to many Friends as a former Presiding Clerk of Australia YM, but his path to that role is not so well known. He was born in the south of England but with an Army Dad, spent the first twelve years of...
by David Swain | 1 Dec, 2019
Peter Burton, Queensland Regional Meeting A few weekends ago I was a delegate at the Queensland ALP State Conference. I had submitted a resolution to change policy re the confinement of refugees on Manus and Nauru, and after some consultations I reached a compromise...
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