by David Swain | 2 Jun, 2019
In the last issue we complained that we lacked articles on how to nourish our spiritual life. So this time we are grateful to Wilma Davidson for sending us an article about going on retreat, stressing the need to be rather than to do. Also to Lyn Dundas who writes...
by David Swain | 2 Jun, 2019
When I reflected on how I came to be a Quaker, I kept going back and back, following the strands of influences in my life, to my earliest memories of childhood. So I think, in order to answer the question, I’ll have to start there and develop the answer in a meandery...
by David Swain | 2 Jun, 2019
Lyn Dundas, New South Wales Regional Meeting It was more than ten years ago that the first Circle at Wahroonga was held. lt was begun and facilitated by our Friend lan Hughes, who had worked with Learning Circles at universities and wanted to see how they might be...
by David Swain | 2 Jun, 2019
John McMahon, Victoria Regional Meeting. I will illustrate achievements of peace activists in Japan, from this country’s unconditional surrender in 1945 until 30 April 2019, when Akihito abdicated the Chrysanthemum throne. The Japanese Emperor, Hirohito wanted a woman...
by David Swain | 2 Jun, 2019
Wilma Davidson, Canberra Regional Meeting To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender oneself to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to violence....
by David Swain | 2 Jun, 2019
Friends may recall that QSA received a bequest enabling support of refugees and asylum seekers, both here in Australia and overseas. In this edition of QSA Notes, we thought we would share some of the projects supported from the bequest. From Tasmania Regional Meeting...
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