
This month we look at our participation in the world-wide family of friends – from our contacts through the Friends World Committee for Consultation to friendly exchanges across the Tasman. We find that we have many differences, but also an ability to unite across our...

FWCC: From Seed to Fruit

Marion Sullivan, New South Wales Regional Meeting In 1937 a group of some 80 Friends met in England to establish a new body: the Friends World Committee for Consultation. They came, not only from many different countries, but also from different traditions within the...

Experiences at QUNO in Geneva

Aletia Dundas, New South Wales Regional Meeting Why go work at the UN? Before I left for Geneva, a friend asked me why I wanted to work with the United Nations (UN). It’s a good question. The UN is criticized for being too bureaucratic, for being a talk-fest and for...

Quakers in Kalay, Myanmar

Margaret Bywater, Tasmania Regional Meeting and Phnom Penh Worshipping Group “ Is it easy to go to Myanmar from Cambodia?” Ronis Chapman asked me at a AYM some time ago. Lal Thla Muana (Muana) of Kalay, Sagaing division, Myanmar, applied to Friends World Committee for...

My Experiences as an Aotearoa Young Friend

 Rosie Remmerswaal, Quakers in Aotearoa New Zealand  With curiosity and enthusiasm, I travelled to Melbourne. I felt treasured to be chosen to represent Aotearoa Young Friends at Australian Yearly Meeting and Young Friends Camp, and valued this brilliant opportunity....