Getting to Know One Another-Julian Robertson.

Julian Robertson, Tasmania Regional Meeting.   I was born in England, but my childhood was also spent in a variety of countries – Burma, Norway, Jordan, and Malaysia, where my father was posted with the British army. I grew up having to make a new set of friends...

Meeting for Remembrance at Yearly Meeting.

Liz Field, New South Wales Regional Meeting. For some years now, an important part of Yearly Meeting has been the Meeting for Worship for Remembrance. In this meeting we hear the names of all of those Friends who have died since the previous yearly Meeting, and we...

Sexism in the Senate – my Experience.

Jo Vallentine, West Australian Regional Meeting. Many Friends would have been distressed to witness the degree of vitriol in our Parliament lately. It’s embarrassing, and it’s demeaning for all concerned. Whether you think Julia Gillard’s stirring fifteen minutes of...


Jackie Perkins and Kate Bandler, New South Wales Regional Meeting. Dabane Trust Water Workshops, Zimbabwe. Olipa Ncube has worked as a member of the Bhejela Garden committee for the last three years, and feeds her family with what she grows. When she has surplus...

Marriage – Does it Matter?

Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting. We have heard a lot lately about marriage. It is of personal interest to me because I was married for 40 years, and am now living with a man to whom I am not married. Am I any less committed? I don’t think so. So what is...

An Experience of Loving Connection Across the Species.

  Andrew Milne, Victoria Regional Meeting.   Where to begin? I think at the point of my dear and much loved wife, Jill, being diagnosed with breast cancer in May, 2012. From that moment, a great deal of care and love flowed toward us…to an almost...