Mark Johnson. September Coordinating Editor. Much of the history of The Society of Friends is punctuated with examples of prophetic energy and the vision of a new world order. There are so many individuals and movements that embody the dynamism of being-Quaker. Nor...
Garry Trompf. New South Wales Regional Meeting. The idea of historical recurrence has long pervaded Western thinking, and along with ideas of human progress, regress and also eschatological thought, it has been expressed through various paradigms, some well...
Adrian Glamorgan. West Australian Regional Meeting. Early Friends saw a commitment to truth and integrity as a necessary sacrifice: relinquishing the old dependence on a priest; rejecting material self-interest and strutting pride; seeking through...
Stephen Burns. Guest Contributor. The late liturgical historian James F. White took a very positive view of Protestant pluralism, noting that the fifty tumultuous years from 1520 produced what became the Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, Anglican and Puritan traditions,...
David Johnson. Queensland Regional Meeting. The voice of the universal wisdom, the eternal, anointing, Divine Presence, the perfection of Truth, the ultimate, inexhaustible and unconditional source of all Love, the supernatural revealing, reproving, guiding and...
Trish Johnson. Queensland Regional Meeting. As David and I prepare to take up appointments as Co-Directors at Silver Wattle in 2013, I reflect how much I have gained, and shared, in this journey to an Australian Quaker Centre. Three years ago I wrote about my...
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