My time with Quaker Service Australia

My time with Quaker Service Australia

My time with Quaker Service Australia Jackie Perkins, New South Wales Regional Meeting My time with QSA has been extensive, full, very varied, and, for the most part, a sheer delight. The sheer delight part, as will come as no surprise to most of you, is not the...

QSA Notes: When to move on?

Jackie Perkins, QSA Administrator Sustainable development has been defined as “development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. QSA works with project partners for them to become...
Zimbabwe Food Relief Action: Action on the ground

Zimbabwe Food Relief Action: Action on the ground

By John Schmid, Bulawayo Monthly Meeting One morning during our winter, my wife Kelitha left town at 9 am aboard a lorry full of 12.5 kg bags of maizemeal, destination Mawusumane in the Matopos Hills south of here. Kelitha had with her an exercise book with the names...