Know thy Friend: Adrian Glamorgan

Know thy Friend: Adrian Glamorgan

Know thy Friend: Adrian Glamorgan Adrian Glamorgan (Photo by Susan Hill) Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Adrian was born in South Wales: his first years were on the Gower Peninsula, near Abertawe (Swansea). This ancient, rural and officially designated “Area of...


In the past few months we have been delighted to receive so many contributions from Friends, sharing a great range of concerns and insights.  We begin this issue with articles on Religious Freedom because this has been so much in the news.  While recognising that in...

QSA Notes: Sustainability

Jackie Perkins, QSA Administrator QSA works with project partners to assist them and their communities to become self-sustaining and independent of foreign aid as much as possible, i.e. giving them a hand up rather than being dependent on regular handouts, teaching...

Spices of life: Personal Reflections on the Quaker Testimonies

Rosemary Longhurst, West Australia Regional Meeting Rosemary has prepared a booklet covering the Quaker Testimonies – the ‘Spices’ – Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Sustainability. The booklet’s introduction, a short overview of the Testimonies,...