State of the Society – 2018

Sheila Keane, New South Wales Regional Meeting Introduction When I was first asked to give this address, I was at a loss on how to approach the task. So I did what all good Quakers do… I waited. Expectantly. I held it in a prayerful background state and eventually a...

A reflection on my time at Yearly Meeting.

 Wilma Davidson, Canberra Regional Meeting Oh to have time to reflect! Like many other Friends, prior to YM I am involved much of the year preparing and planning and solving problems and answering questions, and at YM itself there are meetings and planning sessions...

Australia Yearly Meeting 2017: State of the Society Address

Robin Sinclair, South Australia and Northern Territory Regional Meeting Over the last few weeks I have spent much time thinking about what to say in this address. It’s not just a list of what we have done, though that comes into it. The reports are already there in...