
It’s been a different couple of months, and this is reflected in a somewhat different Australian Friend.  We have been astounded at the activities that Friends have been able to carry out during the COVID-19 shut-down.  This has led to us all having to do things in...

Some thoughts on Ministry in Meeting for Worship

Felicity Rose, Tasmania Regional Meeting What an awesome, amazing thing that it should be possible to access that space where Spirit (insert all your favourite words such as God, Christ, the Inner Light), can communicate some wisdom that, if heeded, can guide us in...

To speak or not to speak …

Cathy Davies, New South Wales Regional Meeting When I first started attending Wahroonga Meeting – many, many years ago – there were a number of teachers and other exceptionally educated Friends amongst the large group.   They were extremely confident, used to speaking...

I’ve been thinking . . .

David Swain, New South Wales Regional Meeting Well, I’m sorry, but I have.  And I’ve been reading the articles on Speaking in Meeting in the last couple of issues of The Australian Friend.  Apparently, the last thing you should do when preparing to speak in Meeting is...


Photos of the Australian bush fires have been beamed around the world, and we are grateful to those Friends who have sent us the stories and photos of their experience of these fires.  Others have found the experience goes too deep for words.  How are we to respond?...