A brief journey back in time

A brief journey back in time

A brief journey back in time Michael Corbett, Queensland Regional Meeting My association with Friends at the Kelvin Grove Meeting House goes back over 40 years. During that time there have been many different scenarios by which we have read and studied the Advices and...
Teaching and Learning under the Hot Breath of the Spirit

Teaching and Learning under the Hot Breath of the Spirit

Pamela Leach, Tasmania Regional Meeting As a student, Friends invited me into making regular visits to detention centres. In truth, I had never given those hidden away from society more than a moment’s thought until then. But of course it was a perfect way to live out...

Changing the prison system

Roger Sawkins, Queensland Regional Meeting   Changing the prison system by Tony Taylor (2011, The Religious Society of, Friends Quakers (Te Haahi Tuuhauwiri) in Aotearoa New Zealand 2011) paperback, 60 pages   This lecture was timely; in the previous week...