Nourishing our spiritual lives through spiritual direction

Sally Kingsland, Canberra Regional Meeting To listen another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another. – Douglas Steere[1] Spiritual growth has been the central feature of my...

“Shall we begin with a few moments of silence?”

Duncan Frewin, Queensland Regional Meeting Yearly Meeting is coming up, and with it a week of business meetings that we commonly open with “Shall we begin with a few moments of silence?” And of course there are all the local or regional business meetings, the...

Book reviews: A Quaker Prayer Life

David Johnson’s book is undoubtedly a significant contribution to our understanding of prayer, but one that will speak to the condition of some Quakers more than others. With this in mind, the editors of The Australian Friend have commissioned two reviews in an...

Listening to the Spirit.

Gerard Guiton, New South Wales Regional Meeting. IN LISTENING TO the Spirit it is essential to distinguish between God’s desire for us and our own desires. How might this be done? There are lots of ways, I guess, but here’s one from my own experience and what it means...