Know Thy Friend: Aletia Dundas

Know Thy Friend: Aletia Dundas

Know Thy Friend: Aletia Dundas Aletia Dundas Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Although Aletia has frequently been thought of as a birth right Friend, her parents only joined Wahroonga Meeting after hearing about Quakers on a radio programme when she was three...

Notes from QUNO NY

Aletia Dundas, New South Wales Regional Meeting The Annual face-to-face meeting of the New York Quaker United Nations Office Committee (QUNC) began on 28th March 2019 at the beautiful Quaker House in New York, a 4-story city dwelling with a delightful courtyard out...

“What canst thou say?”: Talking about God and 1652 Country

Jenny Turton, Victoria Regional Meeting I came to Quakers as a refugee from “mainstream” Christian churches. I had been questioning my faith and the worship within the churches I attended for some years prior to this, feeling increasingly disconnected and hypocritical...