The sense of presence

The sense of presence

The sense of presence Noël Staples, Peterborough Meeting, Cambridgeshire Area Meeting, UK Some time ago I remember ministering about how my sense of the presence seemed that morning to delight in itself, and how I shared in that delight.  It isn’t always thus...

The breathtaking breadth of Friends’ experience

Sue Wilson, Queensland Regional Meeting (A plea to listen to each other’s spiritual experiences rather than debate our beliefs) In my thirty years among Friends, the thing I’ve most appreciated has been the way we allow ourselves and each other to seek, grow,...

The Wahroonga Experiment.

John Michaelis, New South Wales Regional Meeting.   Enriching Quaker life Quakers everywhere aspire to deepen and enrich their lives. A group at Wahroonga local meeting, called the Living Experimentally Circle, has for some years been exploring ways to achieve...