My Yearly Meeting Experience

Allan Knight, West Australia Regional Meeting For me Yearly Meeting was characterised by apprehension, realisations, learning, relief and gratitude. As well, thanks to great catering it was a more weighty experience than I might have wished. My Yearly Meeting...

A reflection on my time at Yearly Meeting.

 Wilma Davidson, Canberra Regional Meeting Oh to have time to reflect! Like many other Friends, prior to YM I am involved much of the year preparing and planning and solving problems and answering questions, and at YM itself there are meetings and planning sessions...

My experience of Yearly Meeting 2018

Gregg Heathcote, New South Wales Regional Meeting Having been able to attend the first three days of Yearly Meeting 2018 was for me a wonderful opportunity. Though I’ve been attending Hunter Valley Meeting for around ten years this was the first time I’d been able to...


Our theme for this issue is Spiritual Journeys.  It is clear that Quakers find food for their spiritual journey from many sources:  from nature; from literature, art and architecture; from personal encounters; from Quaker worship, writings and tradition; from the...


In this issue we have asked a number of people to reflect on their experiences at Yearly Meeting. Our Documents in Retrospect record what business we transacted, but how did the truth prosper amongst us? Did our gathering nurture our spiritual growth? The articles...