by australianfriend | 29 Jun, 2021
Editorial At last, we are on line with our June issue. We’ve been plagued with technical problems which has necessitated a complete site rebuild. We thank Danni Green of Black Cactus Creative for her ongoing support. Even now we might not be completely out of...
by Rae Litting | 29 Jun, 2021
Revisiting the “Journal of George Fox” Rae Litting, New South Wales Regional Meeting Although Quakers are the spiritual heirs of George Fox, very few seem to have read his Journal. I counted 19 quotes from the Journal in Quaker Faith and Practice, but many...
by Peter Jones | 29 Jun, 2021
Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Jo comes from a conservative farming background in the Western Australian wheat belt and attended a Catholic boarding school, but her outlook on life changed when she took up a career as a teacher and did some travelling....
by David Evans | 29 Jun, 2021
David Evans, South Australia and Northern Territory Region Meeting Positive Peace War in the Pacific ended in 1945 when I was nine years old, and as a stamp collector I bought blocks of four of the new Peace stamps; the two and ha’penny; three and ha’penny; and the...
by Tessa Spratt | 29 Jun, 2021
Tessa Spratt and Ginnie Allwood, Victoria Regional Meeting[1] As a birthright Member of the Society of 82 years standing, over the last few years, I have felt like a lone voice in the wilderness. Our Society is aging – fast – and very obviously. What are we doing...
by Wies Schuiringa | 29 Jun, 2021
By Wies Schuiringa New South Wales Regional Meeting Quakers in Australia need to decide about holding YM2022 later this year. A venue will have to be found and an initial booking made sooner. The purposes of YM are to discern and make decisions about how we proceed as...
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