
Photos of the Australian bush fires have been beamed around the world, and we are grateful to those Friends who have sent us the stories and photos of their experience of these fires.  Others have found the experience goes too deep for words.  How are we to respond?...

Summer 2020

Peter Hillery, New South Wales Regional Meeting Ring, ring …… ring, ring…. Who could be ringing at this early hour I thought as I stumbled towards the beast that had woken me? “Hello” I mumbled into the phone. “Dad – Quaama and Cobargo have been burnt out!” “What!”  I...

Earth Story

Fiona McLennan, Canberra Regional Meeting I have had a wide variety of experience of the climate events of this last summer in the Eastern states of Australia – some of which lead me to have an understanding of why it is so important for the world to hear the story,...

QSA and toilets

Jackie Perkins, QSA Administrator Friends, this is the exciting news you have been waiting for – what happened about the toilets in our latest fund raising appeal? I can now tell you that with your help, a total of 30 toilets will be provided to rural communities in...

AC Flower, Convict and Sometime Quaker

Malcolm Whyte, Canberra Regional Meeting I thought I was the first, and only, Quaker in my family tree, but recently I was made aware by my son Bruce that I had a great-great uncle who was a convict and a Quaker early in the nineteenth century. Here is his story drawn...