
In this issue we look at what Australian Quakers are doing in the world and at home.   At one level their field of activity is small-scale.  They are teaching permaculture in Iraq, teaching sign language to children in Tajikistan, and through QSA they are supporting...

Deaf children in Tajikistan

David and Kirsten O’Halloran, Tasmania Regional Meeting One of my favourite passages in the “Red Book” is the following reflection from Deborah Haines (1978): “I think I have wasted a great deal of my life waiting to be called to some great mission which would change...

QSA Notes: Many hands make light work

Ai Leen Quah, African Project Manager Hardly six months have passed since St Jude Family Projects set foot in Lyantonde, western Uganda, and already there is a tangible feeling of community and friendship amongst these women. They sing together whilst they are...

Know thy Friend: Barrie and Diana Pittock

Barrie Pittock  I came in touch with Quakers when called up for National Service Training in 1956. I was brought up attending a Presbyterian Sunday school, but came into conflict with the minister over the fact that Jesus said to “love your enemies”, yet Scots Church...

Beginning the Sydney Parkinson Panel

Cathy Davies, New South Wales regional Meeting About a year or so after Garry Duncan and I were asked if we would help set up the Australian Quaker Tapestry Project I asked Garry how many panels he thought we should create.   I was thinking perhaps ten or so, but...