Helen Bayes: Silver Wattle Quaker Centre

The 2012 program of courses and events includes a wonderful range of opportunities to explore your faith, learn more about Quakerism and become clearer about your own action and witness in the world.Making biochar at Silver Wattle: Jim Palmer, David Johnson, John Baker, Julian Robertson, Judy Henderson, Helen Gould, Stephen Joseph, Trish Johnson, Elaine Emily. Photo: Helen Bayes

Elaine Emily – Healing and Eldering

Elaine Emily, Silver Wattle Travelling Friend and teacher from Pendle Hill and Friends General Conference USA, is travelling in the ministry among Friends in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand. This is her third visit to Australia and she is getting to know us well. She offers two courses at SW:

Quaker Ministry of Healing 18-24 March 2012

The gift of spiritual healing can be expressed in the body, the heart and the group. How do we bring it to the divine presence and allow ourselves to enter into healing?

Elders & Ministers: Midwives of Spiritual Gifts 15-21 April 2012

Explore your difficulties as an elder nurturing the spiritual life of your meeting, or of handling the leadings to give vocal ministry or provide leadership in public witness

Going deeper in Quaker ways

Several courses are offered to help anyone – even those on a steep learning curve – engage more deeply in Quaker practice and heritage.

23-28 April 2012 Putting an End to War 2012

The 2nd annual gathering of peace activists committed to faith-based nonviolent direct action. It will build on lessons learned from recent small group actions, participate in the Anzac Eve vigil and make plans for future actions.

Contact: Helen Bayes at Silver Wattle

23-26 June 2012 Quaker Social History – Visions and Dreams from Wahroonga and Silver Wattle

Get to know the Friends’ community that founded Wahroonga Meeting in 1960s, and share your visions for Silver Wattle – an emerging community today

Leader: Ruth Haig

19-25 August 2012 Where is the Light leading Friends? Engaging with Friends in the World

Do you know about the variety of culture and practice among Friends world-wide? Learn how the global community of Friends is being built today.

Leaders: Valerie Joy & Abel Siboniyo

16-22 September 2012 The Quaker Testimonies

Learn about the origins of Quaker Testimony that is true to the Inner Guide and reflects Love, Equality, Truthfulness, Simplicity & Peace and the present meanings for your own life.

Leader: Ray Brindle

Spiritual Practices among Quakers today

The Quaker tradition is radically inclusive and respectful of personal experience. Sometimes it may look like ‘anything goes’. We offer opportunities to be immersed in Quaker spiritual practices and rhythms, in your own way, with a supportive group around you.

1-18 May 2012 A Quaker Community of Prayer, Study & Work

Experience spiritual community in a semi-monastic manner, without any hierarchy or dogma. Take time out to enter deeply into your relationship with the Divine? You can participate for just 9 days or the full 18 days.

Leaders: David Johnson & Gerry Guiton

23-30 September 2012 Directed Silent Retreat

Spend a precious week in silent retreat, with daily companioning and direction from an experienced Quaker Elder, in the spacious setting of Silver Wattle and Weereewa.

Leader: Barbara Rautman

4-10 November 2012 Listening into Being: Clearness Meetings

Open up to your Inner Teacher, align your soul with your role – a journey drawing on the work of Parker Palmer. This course was fully booked last year, so book early.

Leaders: Dorothy Broom & Drew Thomas

Quaker Concerns and Activities

Several AYM Committees are taking up the possibility of Silver Wattle as the venue for a residential workshop. Some of these are open to other interested Friends. Contact the leader if you would like to enquire.

1-4 April 2012 Bringing Children and Junior Young Friends into the Centre of Quaker Life

An interactive and participatory workshop to reflect on Australian approaches to nurturing the spiritual life of Quaker children and JYFs; and to develop resources and guidelines for Friends undertaking this important work. Contact Tracy Bourne:

25-28 May 2012 Connecting with Australia’s First Peoples

An open, experiential workshop hosted by the Australia Yearly Meeting (Quaker) Indigenous Concerns Committee which will celebrate the good news of Indigenous affairs in Australia as well exploring our role in creating a just equitable Australia for all Australians including First Nations People.

Contact Chris Hughes: chughes@actu.org.au

29 June – 7 July, 2012 Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) Training

A multi-level course to launch you into the basics of nonviolent interaction and creative conflict resolution. Sabine has taught nonviolence in prisons, in community groups and in conflict zones internationally.

Contact Sabine Erika: sabine24@bigpond.net.au

8-14 September 2012 Friends in Stitches

The annual Gathering is an ideal opportunity to further our panels and enthuse each other. We hope to begin the process of framing completed panels and can also help you get your cartoon ready for stitching.

Contact your State Co-coordinator or

Cathy Davies 02 9489 6471 cathydavies@optusnet.com.au

Tessa Spratt 03 9779 6274 tessas@optusnet.com.au

21-27 October 2012 Quaker Creative Arts Gathering

A time for Creative Friends to gather and be inspired by the landscape, bush, and networking, and to consider how creative arts might be built into the development of Silver Wattle Quaker Centre.

Gathering Co-ordinators: Tess Edwards & Jacque Schultz

Family Friendly Gatherings

We hold seasonal gatherings for adults, YFs, JYFs and children. Themes focus on the season and sustainable lifestyles. They are a relaxed and joyful way to spread your Quaker networks and get to know the Centre.

5-11 April 2012 Easter Story of the Nonviolent Jesus

This Family Friendly Gathering will explore the Easter story and Jesus’ life as recorded in the Gospels, through inclusive learning sessions for both adults and children.

19-25 May 2012 Autumn Organic Gardening Week

8-14 July 2012 Sustainable Living in Winter

A time for families and for building community for a sustainable future. How do we meet our needs without plastic and with less carbon?

15-18 July 2012 Winter Organic Gardening Week

26 Aug – 1 Sept 2012 Spring Landcare & Gardening Week