This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion.

More on Nepal

Since our article on Nepal in the June Australian Friend, Bev Polzin and Maxine Cooper gave a presentation to Toorak Friends. Bob Flack to recorded the talk and combined Maxine’s Power Point Presentation with Maxine and Bev’s voices. The outcome was a CD, running for about an hour. Peter Hillery attached it to the New South Wales Regional Meeting website, and you can download it by clicking here  and then clicking on OF INTEREST.  You’ll find links for both Windows and Apple versions. It is a large file, so exercise your Quaker patience. Once it has downloaded you can play it on your computer to your heart’s content.


Friends in Africa

While thinking about the world family of Friends, it is salutary to remember that the largest section of the FWCC is the Africa Section with 25 Yearly Meetings and 350,000 members! The FWCC Africa Section embraces all three flavours of Quakers – unprogrammed, programmed and evangelical.

Churchill Malimo Adadaji, the Executive Secretary of the Section, and Edith Mijega Kidiya the Assistant Secretary, write that the aims and purposes of the section are as follows:

· To encourage and strengthen the spiritual life within the Society of Friends in the Africa Section through such measures as the promotion of inter visitation, study, conferences and a wide sharing of experience on the deepest spiritual level.

· To help Friends to gain a better understanding of the worldwide character of the Society of Friends and its vocation in Africa today.

· To promote consultation amongst Friends of all cultures, countries and languages. To bring the different groups of Friends into intimate touch with one another, seeking their common Quaker heritage, sharing experiences and coming to some measure of agreement in regard to their attitude to world issues.

· To promote understanding between Friends everywhere and members of other branches of the Christian Church and also of other religious faiths and to interpret the specific Quaker Message to those who seek further religious experience.

To keep under review the Quaker contribution in world affairs and the World Christian mission: to facilitate the examination and presentation of Quaker thinking and concern in these fields: and to encourage Friends to co-operate as far as possible in joint action with other groups having similar objectives.

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