by blackcactusadmin | 15 Mar, 2011
Book review by Tony Arden, Queensland Regional Meeting GEOFFREY DURHAM YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS, IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL SACRED LITERATURE TRUST, 2010, NEW HAVEN & LONDON, PAPERBACK, 244 PAGES. The International Sacred Literature Trust describes...
by blackcactusadmin | 14 Mar, 2011
By Charles Stevenson, South Australia Regional Meeting The present editorial committee will lay down the task of producing The Australian Friend at the end of this year, and a new editor or editorial committee is yet to be appointed. A suggestion has been made...
by blackcactusadmin | 14 Mar, 2011
By Dawn Joyce, Queensland Regional Meeting It was a privilege to spend five days at Silver Wattle Quaker Centre at a time which coincided with the visit of Elaine Emily of Strawberry Creek Meeting in California. Elaine is a gifted elder who teaches at Pendle Hill...
by blackcactusadmin | 12 Mar, 2011
Tamil Nadu school gets water supply! Healthy drinking water is obviously worth queuing up for. [See photo above] Boys from the Kottikuppam Primary School in Tamil Nadu, South India, celebrate having healthy water on tap, the result of hard work by the staff from the...
by blackcactusadmin | 12 Mar, 2011
By Heather Herbert, Canberra Regional Meeting. Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose, wrote JBS Haldane. I agree with Haldane. There is lively discussion worldwide about the evidence for...
by blackcactusadmin | 12 Mar, 2011
By Margaret Clark, Canberra Regional Meeting It is official. I am an orphan. I’ve been left behind with no one to look after me, to make sure that I eat properly, get to work on time, or go to bed at a decent hour. Two of my dear family are climbing in Nepal, and the...
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