How do Friends DO theology?

Valerie Joy, Queensland Regional Meeting I was fortunate to attend recently a Seminar entitled “Testing Tradition and Liberating Theology”, led by Dr Val Webb. Val was at the University of Queensland in my undergraduate days, and we were both members of the...

Live the Spirit

David Evans, South Australia and Northern Territory Regional Meeting We need to be reminded constantly we live in a spiritual world. Some Quakerly reminders have come my way in recent times, and I would like to think them over with you in a worship sharing way, i.e.,...

Young Love Awakened

On a delicate autumn day I play Nat King Cole, and the fifties come back, and the world is young again. Light yellow leaves fall on the footpath, the warm wind shifts its direction, and memories seep back, young love not then drenched with sex, tender, lyrical,...


  This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion....