QSA Notes

Jackie Perkins, Administrator, Quaker Service Australia Pleased but saddened We are pleased to report that the latest round of cuts to the Australian Aid budget have not had an impact on QSA’s funds for the 2015 – 2016 project year. We are saddened however by the...

Going Nowhere

Clémence Overall, Victoria Regional Meeting When a friend sent me a copy of article “Going Nowhere[1]” I discovered a commonsense response to a world increasingly frantic with technology, information, and busyness. Echoing the teachings of all major religions, Pico...

A spirit-led day: 19 February 2015

  Helen Gould, New South Wales Regional Meeting I was going to write “a magic day”, but there’s nothing supernatural about what happened yesterday. Paul the apostle wrote, “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his...


  The Quaker survey I have a strong concern about the conclusions reached in the Quaker Survey article in the latest Australian Friend. There was a 20% response rate, and the article then goes on to say x% of Quakers do this, y% of Quakers believe that. I do not...