Yearly Meeting 2021

Are you ready to join Yearly Meeting 2021 ?


We’re looking forward to welcoming you to YM21 on Saturday, July 3, by Zoom.

The details our on the Quakers Australia website:

It’s now possible to:

  • register to attend
  • offer to do a Share & Tell session to share your concerns and ideas with other Friends (facilitated by Peter Williams and David Tehr)

During YM21 you can:

  • join in Meetings for Worship every day
  • get a picture of Friends around the world and their concerns and work through the Summary of Epistles by Ali Freeman
  • reflect on our own YM through the State of the Society address by Alan Clayton
  • assist in conducting the business of AYM through the formal sessions led by our Presiding Clerk, Ann Zubrick
  • consider, in Friendly School with Aletia Dundas and Adrian Glamorgan, how we see our place in the world and how the world sees us and discuss this with other Friends in break-out groups
  • consider, with the Backhouse panellists (Dorothy Broom, Gerry Fahey, Duncan Frewin and Pamela Leach): Searching for Truth: Friends in a “post-truth” world
  • meet, over coffee, with Friends around Australia, facilitated by Queensland Friends
  • meet with particular interest groups (membership secretaries, newsletter editors, RM treasurers, registering officers)
  • meet with Friends interested in ecumenism, interfaith, etc.
  • share on Australian Quakers in Action, facilitated by Chris Purnell
  • hear from QSA, Silver Wattle, FWCC Asia West Pacific
  • join in a convivial time, every evening after epilogue, facilitated by Harold Wilkinson
  • appear on the YM21 photograph
  • join in the formulation of our own Epistle, which will be sent around the world

There will be a children’s program and an opportunity for JYFs to join in activities. The children and JYFs will organise two all-ages Meetings for Worship during the week.

You can join in all these activities or attend only one or two.

YM21 will be supported by Elders and Pastoral Carers from all Regional Meetings. A help desk will be available to assist if you have any questions.

See you there !


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