The Jan de Voogd Peace Fund

Jan de Voogd

Jan de Voogd, a Quaker Peace activist, died in 2021 leaving his estate to be spent on projects which foster peace and social justice. The bequest is administered by the NSW Regional Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).  We are inviting funding applications for projects which reflect the Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Sustainability.   

Projects could include work in reconciliation, disarmament, non-violent conflict resolution, improving race relations, or assisting refugees and asylum seekers. Projects may be aimed at making communities more self-sustaining, more equal, and healthier. Education in these fields, and bursaries for such studies are also eligible. 

In his will and in previous communications with his executors, Jan stressed that his estate must be used for the benefit of communities, and not be spent on infrastructure such as buildings or vehicles. Funds may be used to cover administrative expenses, equipment, travel (including carbon offsets), publication costs and costs of monitoring.  The money is to be distributed within 5 years of Jan’s death.

Applicants need to be a not-for-profit, incorporated organisation or be an individual who conducts the project under the auspice of such an organisation. The organisation needs to have a base in Australia. We will consider projects costing up to $200,000.  Closing dates for 2022 applications are 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 30th November.

For more information, please refer to the ‘How to Apply’ attachment. If you have questions about the fund or hope to apply for support please contact the Jan De Voogd Peace Fund Committee on

How to apply

Please submit a document or documents with the following information where relevant: (If you have difficulty completing this application, please contact us at

1. Project title and brief description (no more than 50 words)

2. Total amount requested

3. Project start and end date

4. Information about the project in detail. Please include:

    • The reasons for undertaking the project
    • Who will it benefit and how will it be of benefit?
    • Who is involved and why?

5. A realistic and accurate project budget. Include timeline and income from other sources if applicable.

6. How you will know if the project has been successful? Please include details of:

    • Key dates and milestones
    • How the project will be monitored
    • How you will keep the Jan de Voogd committee informed of the project outcomes

7. How you have considered reducing the environmental impact of implementing the project?

Supporting documentation:

Please attach files that support your application. These could include:

  • A letter or letters, from people or communities that your project will participate in or collaborate with, confirming their agreement for the project to proceed
  • Examples of previous projects
  • Budget explanation including financial quotes where appropriate
  • Short videos
  • Links to Websites


What happens after you apply? 

The Jan de Voogd Peace Fund Committee will consider your application based on

  • How well your project fits within the principles/requirements of the fund
  • The range of applications received

Recommendations for funding will then be made to NSW Regional Meeting (Quakers), where applications will be discerned in the manner of Friends. Final recommendations for funding will be made to the Jan de Voogd Trustees/Executors before transfer of money is made.

Please note that at any stage of this process, you may be asked to provide clarification or more information on your project.

Please submit your application, preferably by email, to

Or by post to Jan de Voogd Peace Fund committee 119 Devonshire St. Surry Hills NSW 2010

Jan and the Rainbow Peace Flag

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