This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion.
New permaculture book
Rowe Morrow (NSW Regional Meeting) had intended contributing to this issue of the Australian Friend, but she has been busy launching her latest book Earth Restorer’s Guide to Permaculture a revised and enlarged version of Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture. Anyone interested in permaculture will be familiar with Rowe’s great work in this field. You can find a publisher’s introduction at
Aotearoa New Zealand Quaker Lecture
The annual Quaker Lecture in Aotearoa New Zealand took place in July in Christchurch. The subject was The Search for Truth: information, disinformation, and the algorithms of social media.
This lecture was presented by Verica Rupar, Professor of Journalism at the School of Communication Studies, Auckland University of Technology. She is Chair of the World Journalism Education Council. She has worked as a journalist and taught journalism in Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, Australia, the UK, and Aotearoa New Zealand.
It is published as an A5 booklet, ISBN 978-0-473-63777-4, 36pp. Sales of the booklets are handled by
We intend to publish a review of this lecture in the next issue of The Australian Friend.
Well worth looking up
Our attention has been drawn to a couple of interesting and worthwhile organisations.
Christians for an Ethical Society is a Canberra based ecumenical forum which seeks to engage with the ethical challenges of the contemporary world, locally, nationally and internationally.
Members of the forum are from Christian communities and beyond and are committed to inclusiveness, justice, and harmony in a sustainable world.
Their website ( holds a treasury of past forums over many years with some top speakers.
The Australian Living Peace Museum (ALPM) was established as an on-line museum in 2015 by a group of volunteers who wanted to make Australia’s peace heritage more accessible to the public, especially young people. This is a big and on-going task that the volunteers contribute to, as and when they can. This means that the website’s contents are piecemeal rather than comprehensive, but it is planned that more content will be uploaded as resources permit.
Recently, the museum received a grant from the Nancy Shelley Bequest Fund (NSBF) to upgrade and re-design the ALPM website.
You can view the recently upgraded site at:
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