
This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion. This is our regular feature in which we briefly record interesting publications and websites that have come to our attention. Inclusion of an item in this format does not preclude a possible longer review in a later issue. We welcome suggestions for inclusion.

Looking for a reviewer

Canberra Friend Andrew Glikson has written a book The Fatal Species: from warlike primates to planetary mass extinction, published by the respected scientific published, Springer.   The publisher says:

This book presents a history which is nearing its nadir, where a species of warlike primates is destroying the delicate web of life perceived by Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species, committing a war against nature and the fastest mass extinction in the history of nature, with global temperatures incinerating the biosphere by several degrees Celsius, within a lifetime. Despite this knowledge, Homo “sapiens” is proceeding to transfer every accessible molecule of carbon from the Earth crust to the atmosphere and hydrosphere, an auto-da-fe ensues of the terrestrial biosphere.

We would like to publish a review of this book, but first we need a reviewer.  If you would like to write a review, please contact us.  We can supply a copy of the book, if necessary.

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