
We have already begun the preliminary sessions for our on-line Yearly Meeting in July, and Friends are reminded that “at Yearly Meeting we gather together to connect with friends old and new, share ideas, seek new Light, and find ways to travel together over the coming year.”  Read the article on Yearly Meeting to find more information, including on how to enrol.

We have a number of inspiring articles in this issue about the work of the Spirit in action.  Jackie Perkins reflects on her 20 years at the helm of Quaker Service Australia, and Fleur Bayley writes about the new project in Cambodia, which aims to incorporate Vietnamese immigrants into Cambodian society.  We hear of the work of reafforestation In Southern India by our Friend Joss Brooks, and the work of education by Liz Terry in northern Africa.  There is more news about the Afghan peace activists being settled in Portugal.

As we approach the referendum on providing a Voice for Aboriginal Australians to our parliament, there are articles about the distance to be travelled to achieve reconciliation with our First Nations People.  This is not a new concern of course, as we learn from Michael Griffith’s article on the poetry of Judith Wright, based on the course he gave at Silver Wattle.

Also at Silver Wattle, Duncan Frewin learnt from the Elder Tree the art of being a good elder.  A reminder that we all need spiritual roots!

Our Australian concerns are not far from the concerns of Friends in other countries.  Tim Gee’s reports on the Southern Africa Yearly Meeting where they heard the call to cherish creation and one another.  The theme of the gathering was Ubuntu, ad word meaning roughly “I am because you are”.

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