Backhouse Lecture: Searching for Truth: Friends in a “post-truth” world
You are warmly invited to the 56th Annual Backhouse Panel, presented by Australia Yearly Meeting
7.00-8.30pm (AEST), 5th July 2021 (9am GMT)
What does Truth mean to Friends today? How do we maintain our Integrity in a world where “alternative facts” and “fake news” appear to be driving the decision-making of those in power? How can we face up to the consequences of human injustice and environmental destruction without losing hope? How can the practices of Early Friends, and the processes they have handed down to us, help us to stay connected to our Divine purpose?
In response to the extraordinary circumstances of 2020, the format of the Backhouse Lecture for 2021 will be given by a panel rather than a single Lecturer. The panel-presentation will be delivered by ZOOM and recorded for those unable to attend the presentation on the day.
Panelists are:
Dorothy Broom
Gerry Fahey
Duncan Frewin
Pamela Leach
The James Backhouse Lecture, commonly known as the Backhouse Lecture, is a public lecture on contemporary issues delivered annually at the national gathering of Quakers in Australia. The lecture series was initiated by the Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) on its establishment in 1964. The lecture is given in memory of James Backhouse, who walked around a great deal of eastern and southern Australia to inquire into the condition of the penal settlements in Australia and the welfare of the Aborigines and the free settlers. He had as his traveling companion George Washington Walker, and there is no doubt that the visit of these two Friends marked the beginning of the history of Friends in Australia.
To join this presentation by Zoom, go to the Yearly Meeting website (, click on the Backhouse Presentation title, then click on the link at the bottom of the page. Include the following information when prompted:
Meeting ID: 844 1502 1880
Passcode: 159956
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