Know thy Friend: Joss Brooks

Know thy Friend: Joss Brooks

Know thy Friend: Joss Brooks Joss Brooks Peter Jones, Tasmania Regional Meeting Joss was born in Manchester to Kenneth and Helen Brooks who had been married there at Mount Street after originally meeting at Woodbrooke. Kenneth had been a C.O. during the Second World...
Young Afghan Peace Workers on their Way to Safety

Young Afghan Peace Workers on their Way to Safety

Young Afghan Peace Workers on their Way to Safety Dorothy Scott, Victoria Regional Meeting, in collaboration with Dale Hess, Victoria Regional Meeting, Rosemary Morrow, New South Wales Regional Meeting, and Alan Clayton, Victoria Regional Meeting Australian Friends...
Australia/Invasion Day?

Australia/Invasion Day?

Australia/Invasion Day? Michael Corbett, Queensland Regional Meeting At the beginning of the Standing Committee Meeting on the 21st January, I offered my owns words from heart as follows. In 5 days’ time it will be the 26th January – Australia Day –...
Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills Juan Roberson, New South Wales Regional Meeting I put this compilation together for the non-Quaker Chairman of the company I worked for some years ago. In addition to my role as CFO, as Company Secretary I also had the job of writing the Minutes of...