by Ann Zubrick | 4 Sep, 2021
“Grow Where you Are” – Remembering Bronwen Meredith Ann Zubrick, West Australia Regional Meeting Awakening and beginning the day with silent reflection the phrase “Grow where you are planted” arose strongly within me. Why this...
by Samara Pitt and Jane Hope | 4 Sep, 2021
Humble yourself in the arms of the wild at Gembrook Retreat Samara Pitt and Jane Hope, Victoria Regional Meeting Humble yourself in the arms of the wildYou gotta lay down low andhumble yourself in the arms of the wildYou gotta ask her what she knows andwe will...
by Sieneke Martin | 4 Sep, 2021
Reflections on YM21 from the YM21 Host Committee Sieneke Martin, Victoria Regional Meeting It was a nervous time for the YM21 Host Committee when Victoria Regional Meeting decided in December 2020 that YM21 was going to have to be held on Zoom. How were we going to do...
by Em Chandler | 4 Sep, 2021
Em Chandler, Victoria Regional Meeting Since Yearly Meeting 2021 concluded, I have received a lot of kind comments thanking me for my “considerable part” in its organisation. “Considerable part” are other Friends’ words, not mine. That’s not to say it’s not...
by Dorothy Scott, Carol McDonough | 4 Sep, 2021
Writing From the Heart We were inspired by the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre online course, Writing from the Heart, led by Kerry O’Regan, in which we had been gently invited to let our writing become courageous. While living a couple of hundred kilometres apart, a...
by Chris Hughes | 4 Sep, 2021
Reconciliation or Makarrata, we will be judged on our deeds not words Chris Hughes, Victoria Regional Meeting I have just finished reading Gondwana Theology: A Trawloolway man reflects on Christian Faith by Garry Worete Deverell, an ordained Anglican Priest and a...
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